Preventative Analytics for Electrical Grids.

Cascadence's predictive analytics and machine learning reduces power outages and improves reliability in the transmission and distribution industry.

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Predicting Power Outages

In an industry plagued by ageing infrastructure, an ever growing asset list and constantly improving monitoring capabilities, it's now more important than ever to convert your data into actionable insights. Cascadence provides the first industry proven solution that successfully predicts equipment failure. It gives power distribution companies the ability to proactively replace failing equipment before it results in customer outage time.

01. Event Detection

Detecting when anomalous power quality events occur.

02. Event Type Classification

Correlate power quality events to device types and specific causes.

03. Incipient Fault Location

Determine the position of the failing equipment.

Grid Reliability

Until now there has been no viable technique for identifying failing equipment and avoiding outages that affect thousands of customers. The implications of having this predictive capability are clear. Power distribution companies can:

  • Prevent asset failures, reducing customer down time
  • Convert lengthy and costly unplanned outages into short, scheduled planned outages
  • Conduct targeted, as opposed to cyclical, vegetation management
  • Optimize asset maintenance planning
  • Devise data driven, cost effective asset replacement programs

All of this dramatically drives down SAIDI, SAIFI, customer outage minutes and other commonly used metrics for measuring grid reliability.

Wildfire Mitigation

Failing equipment can easily become a safety hazard, particularly in regions susceptible to wildfires. In these areas monitoring equipment and identifying potential safety hazards such as vegetation contact with overhead conductors is crucial to maintaining high levels of safety.


"SDGE develops and deploys advanced technologies to better serve our customers. Deploying the Cascadence ecosystem of sensor enabled analytics and machine learning enables SDGE to take the next step in improving customer satisfaction and enhancing reliability and resiliency. This will enable us to better serve our customers by beginning to manage portions of our distribution assets on a just in time asset replacement approach, instead of industry’s traditional run to failure approach."

Will Speer, SDGE Vice President of Engineering & Planning

Custom Solutions

Every power distribution company faces unique challenges. Ageing infrastructure and equipment plagues every utility but each has specific pain points and equipment types that are responsible for large amounts of customer outage time.

Extreme Weather

Danger of Wildfire

Overhead vs Underground Equipment

Industrial vs Residential Loads

The Cascadence solution is a platform that allows flexibility and continuous iteration meaning it can be applied to solve the highest priority problems specific to each utility. This adaptability means the most pressing problems are solved first, providing maximum value in minimal time.